November 9th, 2022 – Jackson Center, Huntsville, Alabama
This event is the culmination of our collective team’s vision to have a conference in the South East, in our backyard, in Huntsville, Alabama that rivals those that we speak or participate in all over the Country. Our goal was to have a venue where our clients could attend, participate, and receive CPE credits, that would be at a much lower cost of time, travel and conference fees, yet provide the same robust content that you would receive while attending a conference in DC, Vegas, or Orlando. Previous years’ attendance has been over 100 companies from various fields including Government, defense, accounting, research, and more.
This year we are excited to be offering a virtual option for our out of market attendees. Redstone GCI supports in excess of 1,000 companies domestically and internationally and we are looking forward to our largest conference ever in 2022. Additionally, 2022 will bring an FBI and cybersecurity focus and we are excited to have representation for our lunch keynote from the FBI’s senior executive for the new installation on Redstone Arsenal, as well as their senior executive responsible for small business participation from West Virginia presenting at the conference. We believe this will be our most well attended event yet, and would greatly appreciate your participation.