Independent Contractor vs. Employee – Department of Labor (DoL) Perspective (Part 1)

This video is the first of a two-part series where we provide an overview of the position of the Department of Labor (DoL) on independent contractor classifications. This series presents a mock audit to give you a first-hand perspective of the types of questions that DoL investigators ask with regard to the all too common issue of whether or not your workers are properly classified under the law. We will provide “red flags” that are often key to the final determination of DoL, and how to address them.

Expectation vs Reality in Government Proposals (Part 2)

This video is the second part of a two part series where we provide an overview of some of the expectations that come with completing a Government proposal and their respective realities. There are some misleading expectations when it comes to completing a Government proposal, and in this video we discuss the various realities that come with completing a proposal. This second part specifically details the expectations and reality of communication with team members, indirect rate goals, and the review process.

Expectation vs Reality in Government Proposals (Part 1)

This video is the first part of a two part series where we provide an overview of some of the expectations that come with completing a Government proposal and their respective realities. There are some misleading expectations when it comes to completing a Government proposal, and in this video we discuss the various realities that come with completing a proposal. This first part specifically details the expectation and reality of the time it takes to complete a proposal and the frequency of Government updates.

Common Deltek Costpoint Questions and Complaints (Part 2)

Heather Stroud is a Senior Consultant in the Deltek Costpoint group at Redstone Government Consulting. She works primarily in the Accounting, Projects, and Planning modules. The Costpoint Group works with our clients to implement Costpoint, create customized Costpoint training, and assist with day-to-day processing. Redstone’s President, Asa Gilliland and Heather Stroud are going to sit down to go over some common Costpoint questions and complaints we hear from our clients.

Common Deltek Costpoint Questions and Complaints (Part 1)

Heather Stroud is a Senior Consultant in the Deltek Costpoint group at Redstone Government Consulting. She works primarily in the Accounting, Projects, and Planning modules. The Costpoint Group works with our clients to implement Costpoint, create customized Costpoint training, and assist with day-to-day processing. Redstone’s President, Asa Gilliland and Heather Stroud are going to sit down to go over some common Costpoint questions and complaints we hear from our clients.

Total Time Accounting in the Govcon Environment (Uncompensated Overtime for FLSA Exempt Employees)

A Whitepaper by John C. Shire, CPA, Director, Redstone GCI & Asa Gilliland, President & Director, Redstone Government Consulting

Based on DCAA’s track record of disregarding its own guidance on what are acceptable accounting methods for contractors incurring potentially significant amounts of uncompensated overtime, DCAA is very likely to see the risk sufficient to report what they see as a non-compliance as a significant deficiency and therefore recommend system disapproval and the implementation of a withhold.

FAR Part 31 Cost Principles

This short video and article provide insights into FAR Part 31 – the Cost Principles. We explain what FAR Part 31 cost principles are, when they apply, and why they are important. We also discuss what contracts are subject to the cost principles, how they cannot apply to only some of your contracts and not others, and the impact on your accounting system to accommodate the cost principles.