
Redstone Government Consulting can assist contractors in developing and implementing compliant Government property systems. The mismanagement of government property can lead to huge consequences for contractors, and our experts have extensive experience in dealing with government property systems and audits. We have former Government property managers and DCMA auditors on staff to help your property system comply with FAR 52.245-1 and other contractual requirements.


  • Government Property Management System Assessments – Identifying and correcting gaps in a property management system can be the difference between passing or failing a government audit. We can perform a gap analysis on your current property system and provide you with noted compliance issues and recommendations for improvement.
  • Property System Implementation – Whether you are starting from scratch or need help improving your system, our team works with you to implement best practices, policies, and procedures while educating and training your team to manage the system independently.
  • Government Property Policy Manual – The first step in having an adequate property system is having sufficient policies and procedures. We can develop or assist in the writing and development of your property manual that includes procedures compliant with the regulation.
  • Contractor Self-Assessment (CSA) – Part of a compliant property management system is to perform annual, internal self-assessments of your system. We perform CSAs for contractors of all sizes to help you fulfill this requirement. Our team will come onsite, perform these audits, and issue a report you can provide to DCMA to satisfy your requirement for an annual CSA.
  • Government Property Training – We offer training courses catered to your individual property needs, and our training can be performed remotely or onsite at your location. We focus on training your employees on your policies and procedures and the compliance requirements of FAR and DFARS.
  • Addressing Corrective Action Requests (CARs) – Contractors are not always ready when DCMA comes to audit. If a DCMA property audit results in CARs, we help you address these CARs in a simple and straightforward manner. At your request, we can interface with the auditing agency so that CARs are answered accurately and efficiently.
  • Contract Closeout and Property Disposal – What do you do when a contract ends, and you are left with government property? We can assist in ensuring all Government property is dispositioned correctly in the contract closeout process. We deal with issues related to closeout and can work directly with the plant clearance officers.

Practice Leader

Jonas ClemJonas Clem
Practice Leader
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Featured Resources For Government Property Management System Compliance

RGCI - Department of Defense Has a Problem with Audits (Their Own)
RGCI - ASBCA No. 61709 – A Cautionary Tale for Subcontractors with Government Property
RCGI-Government Furnished Property Gotchas
RGCI-Government Property and Subcontractor Control
RCGI-Government Property Disposition What is Abandonment

Meet the Government Contract Compliance Team