What are Schedules O and the Supplemental A’s in the Incurred Cost Submission?
What is the Incurred Cost Submission? What is Schedule O? What are the Supplemental A Schedules? This VLOG will briefly explain the Incurred Cost Submission, how to complete Schedules O and the Supplemental A Schedules, and the importance of those schedules.
Government Contractor Relies on Deltek Pro Bookkeepers and Redstone GCI to Support Growth
A Case Study by the Redstone Government Consulting Team
Learn why government contractor, Broadway Ventures, entrusts Redstone GCI and Deltek Costpoint as a scalable solution for their finance & accounting needs.
The Incurred Cost Submission: Why are Schedules H and J Important?
Schedules H and J are some of the most important parts of the Incurred Cost Submission. This VLOG will briefly explain the Incurred Cost Submission, how to complete Schedules H and J, and the importance of each schedule.
Understanding Project Setup in Costpoint for Management Webinar
This FREE webinar will offer attendees an understanding of the importance of project setup decisions in Costpoint. Attendees will learn information about project structure decisions, revenue setup decisions and other important decision areas within the project setup. We will also discuss what role each department plays in ensuring that all contractual requirements are met.
Why are Schedules B, C, D, and Fringe Important?
Schedules B, C, D, and Fringe are some of the most important parts of the Incurred Cost Submission. This vLOG will briefly explain the Incurred Cost Submission, how to complete Schedules B, C, D, and Fringe, and the importance of each schedule.