Understanding 2 CFR 200 Requirements Related to Subrecipients vs Contractors Whitepaper

A White paper by John Shire, Director & Lynne Nalley, Director

Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR) is structured significantly differently than OMB Guidance 2 CFR Part 200 Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards (i.e., Grants and Cooperative Agreement).

Independent Contractor vs. Employee – Department of Labor (DoL) Perspective (Part 2)

This video is the second of a two-part series where we provide an overview of the position of the Department of Labor (DoL) on independent contractor classifications. This series will presents a mock audit to give you a first hand perspective of the types of questions that a Department of Labor investigators ask with regard to the all too common issue of whether or not your workers are properly classified under the law. We will provide “red flags” that are often key to the final determination of Department of Labor, and how to address them.

Independent Contractor vs. Employee – Department of Labor (DoL) Perspective (Part 1)

This video is the first of a two-part series where we provide an overview of the position of the Department of Labor (DoL) on independent contractor classifications. This series presents a mock audit to give you a first-hand perspective of the types of questions that DoL investigators ask with regard to the all too common issue of whether or not your workers are properly classified under the law. We will provide “red flags” that are often key to the final determination of DoL, and how to address them.

Expectation vs Reality in Government Proposals (Part 2)

This video is the second part of a two part series where we provide an overview of some of the expectations that come with completing a Government proposal and their respective realities. There are some misleading expectations when it comes to completing a Government proposal, and in this video we discuss the various realities that come with completing a proposal. This second part specifically details the expectations and reality of communication with team members, indirect rate goals, and the review process.