The Incurred Cost Submission: Why are Schedules H and J Important?
Schedules H and J are some of the most important parts of the Incurred Cost Submission. This VLOG will briefly explain the Incurred Cost Submission, how to complete Schedules H and J, and the importance of each schedule.
Understanding Project Setup in Costpoint for Management Webinar
This FREE webinar will offer attendees an understanding of the importance of project setup decisions in Costpoint. Attendees will learn information about project structure decisions, revenue setup decisions and other important decision areas within the project setup. We will also discuss what role each department plays in ensuring that all contractual requirements are met.
Why are Schedules B, C, D, and Fringe Important?
Schedules B, C, D, and Fringe are some of the most important parts of the Incurred Cost Submission. This vLOG will briefly explain the Incurred Cost Submission, how to complete Schedules B, C, D, and Fringe, and the importance of each schedule.
What is Schedule I in the Incurred Cost Submission?
Schedule I is the most important part of the Incurred Cost Submission and is the single area of great interest for the Government and its auditors. This VLOG will briefly explain the Incurred Cost Submission, the importance of Schedule I, and how to resolve potential issues.
Getting Data Out of Costpoint – Beyond the Standard PDF Training Webinar
This FREE webinar will offer attendees an overview of multiple ways to retrieve data from Costpoint beyond the standard PDF reports.
Understanding 2 CFR 200 Requirements Related to Subrecipients vs Contractors Whitepaper
A White paper by John Shire, Director & Lynne Nalley, Director
Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR) is structured significantly differently than OMB Guidance 2 CFR Part 200 Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards (i.e., Grants and Cooperative Agreement).
Understanding 2 CFR 200 Requirements Related to Subrecipients vs. Contractors
A Case Study by the Redstone Government Consulting Team
In this case study: Redstone GCI explains three scenarios to illustrate how to understand 2 CFR 200 requirements related to subrecipients vs. contractors.
The Importance of Schedule K in the Incurred Cost Submission
Schedule K is one of the most important parts of the Incurred Cost Submission and is an area of great interest for the Government and its auditors. This VLOG will briefly explain the Incurred Cost Submission, how to complete Schedule K, and the importance of Schedule K.