Merrimack Hall

Redstone is happy to be supporting Merrimack Hall with their upcoming summer camps this year. They will have a showcase at the end of each week open to the public to celebrate what the campers have accomplished. We welcome you out to these showcases on July 15th @ 11:30 and July 21st @ 5:00 to support this wonderful organization.

Independent Contractor vs. Employee – Department of Labor (DoL) Perspective (Part 2)

This video is the second of a two-part series where we provide an overview of the position of the Department of Labor (DoL) on independent contractor classifications. This series will presents a mock audit to give you a first hand perspective of the types of questions that a Department of Labor investigators ask with regard to the all too common issue of whether or not your workers are properly classified under the law. We will provide “red flags” that are often key to the final determination of Department of Labor, and how to address them.

Independent Contractor vs. Employee – Department of Labor (DoL) Perspective (Part 1)

This video is the first of a two-part series where we provide an overview of the position of the Department of Labor (DoL) on independent contractor classifications. This series presents a mock audit to give you a first-hand perspective of the types of questions that DoL investigators ask with regard to the all too common issue of whether or not your workers are properly classified under the law. We will provide “red flags” that are often key to the final determination of DoL, and how to address them.

Downtown Rescue Mission

The Downtown Rescue Mission is a nonprofit organization serving the homeless in northern Alabama and southern Tennessee. They believe through compassionate care and ministering, they can bring people under the power of the Gospel, so that they may have victory over their struggles and live a Spirit-filled and fruitful life.

Grounds for Hope

Through Grounds for Hope we seek to enable conversations between nonprofit organizations, churches and businesses that empower, encourage and inspire faith-based outreach. When the Hope of Christ is presented along with a helping hand, we provide more than just a temporary fix to an immediate problem, we help secure an eternal foundation rooted in Christian love.